Family Dentist in Elmwood Park IL Discusses Demineralization

Demineralization occurs when your tooth’s enamel begins to lose its mineral content. In general, this is an early and advanced warning sign of tooth decay. The more your tooth becomes demineralized, the more susceptible it will be to decay.
Aside from putting you at risk of cavities, demineralization can also cause the color of your teeth to change color and look less attractive than they once did. 
While tooth enamel cannot be regenerated once it is lost, there are a few things that you can do to limit demineralization and keep your teeth at their healthiest.
The Causes of Demineralization
There are many factors that can cause the demineralization of our teeth. Often, this is caused by the abundance of sugary drinks and sodas that we drink during our everyday life. 
Aside from these sugary drinks, our diets, especially in North America, are full of sugary foods that produce acid as they are broken down by our saliva. This combination of sugary foods and drinks exposes our teeth to plenty of acid that will wear away and demineralize our teeth.
Another factor of demineralization is poor dietary intake. This is more common in lesser developed countries and occurs when our bodies are not taking in the necessary amounts of minerals through the foods that we eat. And, while there are plenty of foods that contain minerals that are good for our teeth, it’s important to note that consuming these minerals will not compensate for the minerals that have been lost. 
Other causes that contribute to demineralization are brushing too hard and a general neglect of your oral health.
Preventing the Demineralization of your Teeth
Enamel is not like skin or bone tissue. It is not an organic tissue that can be grown, regenerated or repair. Therefore, once the mineral content of your teeth is lost, it’s lost forever.
Still, over the years, fluoride has been used as a primary weapon against mineral loss and the progression of dental decay. 
Fluoride is a natural mineral that can be used to restore the mineral content in teeth. While this will not completely regenerate the enamel, it will help get your teeth back to their original strength and appearance.
Typically, fluoride treatments are administering during your routine dental cleanings. Your dentist will apply the fluoride directly to your teeth by applying it in the form of a foaming gel. He or she will then polish your teeth with it and then have you rinse and spit out the remaining fluoride.
Additionally, fluoride can be found in drinking water in most cities and municipalities. Therefore, by drinking tap water, you’ll be keeping yourself hydrated and keeping your teeth in tip-top shape.
On a final note, we should mention that if you have any questions or concerns about demineralization, it’s best to make an appointment with your family dentist in Elmwood Park, IL who will be more than happy to talk things over with you.
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